Photo from Tikapur Incident?

South Asia Check / August 24, 2015

No, it is a 2011 one from North Carolina, USA

Photo for upload

A blogsite used this photograph in a news piece about the violence in Tikapur in Kailali, Nepal earlier Monday (Aug 24, 2015). The news does not provide caption for the photo of a burning man. Therefore, it might lead to an impression that it is from today’s incident in Tikapur. It was also shared on social media platforms. However, our fact-check shows that this is an old photo — from December 11, 2011 and is from Asheville, North Carolina in the US*.

Click here to see the video.

*Previously, we had said the photo was from Tampa, Florida of February 2012. We thank the alert reader who kindly pointed out the error. Many apologies.

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