Anonymous sources in newspapers of February 3

South Asia Check / February 4, 2016

Annapurna Post report headlined “South Asian Games’ Rs 30 million deposited in private account” by Dipendra Gurung datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed official from the National Sports Council.

The Himalayan Times report headlined “UCPN-Maoist posing hurdles in endorsing TRC, CIEDP regulations” by Lekhanath Pandey datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source. TRC refers to Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and CIEDP stands for Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons.

Nagarik report headlined “Front calls for support from BJP leader” by Mithilesh Yadav datelined Patna (India) has quoted an unnamed source. Front refers to the United Democratic Madhesi Front.

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