Anonymous sources in newspapers of June 26

South Asia Check / June 27, 2016

Nagarik report on Manmohan medical school bill headlined “Financial interests bring big parties including Congress together” by Deepak Dahal datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources in two instances: Some member of the parliament’s Women, Children, Senior Citizens and Social Welfare Committee and a source.

The Himalayan Times report headlined “CAAN honchos still continue to fly high on foreign junkets” by Rajan Pokhrel datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources in five instances: A senior official at the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, a manager of an international airline, a source, insiders and a CAAN official. Here CAAN stands for Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal.

The Himalayan Times report headlined “Nepal seeks answer from Canada on Kabul suicide bombing attack” by Lekhnath Pandey datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed source in one instance: A foreign ministry official.

The Kathmandu Post report headlined “After unity govt refrain, Maoists changing tune” datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed source in two instances: A senor Maoist leader and a leader present in the meeting. This news does not carry a byline.


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