Anonymous sources in newspapers of April 15

South Asia Check / April 16, 2016

Annapurna Post report headlined “[Madhav] Nepal objects to Oli’s high-handedness” by Balkumar Nepal datelined Kathmandu has quoted four unnamed sources: A central committee member of the CPN UML, a leader, and two different sources.

Nagarik report headlined “Oli accused of engaging in extreme factionalism” by Mani Dahal datelined Kathmandu has quoted four unnamed sources: Two different [UML] leaders, a leader present at the meeting, and a central committee member of the CPN-UML.

Gorkhapatra report headlined “Wildlife Week declared but senior officials in foreign junket” by Laxmiprasad Upadhyaya datelined Kathmandu has quoted two unnamed sources: An official of the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation and officials of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation.

The Kathmandu Post report headlined “Housing aid too little, too late?” by Sudip Kaini datelined Gorkha has quoted one unnamed source: A government official.

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