Anonymous sources in newspapers of February 23

South Asia Check / February 24, 2016

Kantipur report on the upcoming Nepali Congress general convention headlined “Four from the establishment faction stake claim [to party presidency]” by Kulchandra Neupane datelined Kathmandu has quoted one unnamed source: Source.

Republica report headlined “CIEDP commissioner questions UN role in transitional justice” jointly by Durga Dulal and Nabin Khatiwada datelined Kathmandu has quoted one unnamed source: A source at the Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons (CIEDP).

The Kathmandu Post report headlined “Koirala clan counts for Cong candidates” datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed source in one instance: Nepalese Congress sources. The report does not carry a byline.

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