Anonymous sources in newspapers of December 18

South Asia Check / December 19, 2016

Nagarik report headlined “WhatsApp used for cheating in exam” by Ajit Tiwari datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source thrice.

Nagarik report headlined “Amendment bill won’t be withdrawn” by Bhuwan Sharma datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source.

Kantipur report headlined “Amendment bill won’t be withdrawn or put off” by Kulchandra Neupane and Basanta Basnet datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source.

Kantipur report headlined “Hospitals ignore instruction to keep OPDs open till 5 PM” datelined Kathmandu has quoted two unnamed locals. The report does not have a byline.

The Himalayan Times report headlined “LBRC seeks time from PM to submit report” by Prakash Acharya datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources twice.

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