Anonymous sources in newspapers of February 16

South Asia Check / February 17, 2017

Annapurna Post report headlined “Oli flexible about amendment” by Chiranjivi Dhungana datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source.

Kantipur report headlined “Understanding to hold elections by May: Oli” by Durga Khanal has quoted an unnamed politburo member of the CPN-UML.

Nagarik report headlined “NAC sends Rs 110 million as advance payment for new planes” by Sushil Bhattarai datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed official of the Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) three times.

Republica report headlined “NRCS probing leaks on funds misuse” by Sangeet Sangroula datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources three times. NRCS stands for Nepal Red Cross Society.

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