Anonymous sources in newspapers of August 21

South Asia Check / August 24, 2016

Annapurna Post report headlined “Modi wants to visit Nepal again” by Santosh Ghimire datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources in five instances: An official present at the meeting, officials present at the meeting, government officials, officials, and a source.

Kantipur report headlined “Dahal’s letter handed over to Modi” by Kamal Dev Bhattarai datelined New Delhi has quoted unnamed source in three instances: A source in two instances and an official present at the meeting.

Kantipur report headlined “Former lawmaker and Nefin vice-chair also being investigated over human trafficking” by KP Dhungana datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed source in three instances: Officials at the Crime Investigation Bureau, Bureau source, and police officials involved in the investigation. Nefin stands for Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities.

The Himalayan Times report headlined “Modi advises statue amendment for solution” by Lekhnath Pandey datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed source in two instances: An official who accompanied Nidhi and Nepali officials.

The Kathmandu Post report headlined “India supports Nepal govt’s priorities: Modi” ‘by Kamal Dev Bhattarai datelined New Delhi has quoted a member of delegation in two instances.

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