Anonymous sources in newspapers of May 22

South Asia Check / May 24, 2016

Annapurna Post report headlined “Wheeling and dealing to increase MBBS seats” by Deepa Dahal datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source.

Nagarik report headlined “Government will change after budget” by Mani Dahal datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source close to the Maoists and another unnamed UML leader.

Nagarik report headlined “Rivers, hydropower in foreigners’ grip” by Pushpa Raj Acharya datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed official.

The Himalayan Times report headlined “Budget to exceed Rs 1,000 billion” by Pushpa Raj Acharya datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source from the Ministry of Finance.

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