Anonymous sources in newspapers of February 14

South Asia Check / February 15, 2017

Annapurna Post report headlined “President to visit India in March-April” by Chiranjivi Dhungana datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources in six instances: A source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a source, a source at the office of the president, an official at the office of the president, officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and officials.

Kantipur report headlined “President’s urges leaders of major parties to hold elections within deadline” by Balkrishna Basnet datelined Kathmandu has quoted an unnamed source in one instance.

Republica report headlined “Consultancies into human trafficking, money laundering” by Bishnu Prasad Aryal datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources in nine instances: Ministry of Education officials in two instances, sources at the Ministry of Education in two instances, a high-ranking official, officials, a highly-placed source at the Ministry of Education, a returnee, another returnee.

Republica report headlined “Process to activate Rs 21b NRA fund” by Sangeet Sangroula datelined Kathmandu has quoted unnamed sources in two instances: Officials, and officials at Nepal Reconstruction Authority.

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